
Individual qualities, collective knowledge

Our team comprises experts in business administration and economics, political and natural sciences and possesses project, management and leadership experience in various roles and sectors.

Partner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hanser Consulting AG

The focus of his activities is on business development and corporate restructuring and refinancing.  René Goetz's core areas of expertise also include the management and control of challenging reorganisation processes in industrial, service and commercial enterprises as well as public administration units.

Thanks to his years of experience in assisting with restructuring programmes as well as purchase and sale transactions, René Goetz possesses in-depth knowledge of corporate financing, making him a expert contact partner for assessing projects from the viewpoint of investors.

René Goetz performs various Board mandates, including some as a result of investment holdings in companies.

René Goetz joined Hanser Consulting AG in 1997. Prior to that, as Head of the Procurement, Logistics and Controlling Division and from mid-1994 as Member of the Management Board, he worked in a medium-sized, multinational industrial company (OERTLI Werkzeuge AG, Höri ZH).

Partner and Member of the Board of Directors of Hanser Consulting AG

In addition to providing support for companies, organisations and administrative bodies of political institutions on strategic, organisational and macroeconomic issues, the focal areas of his portfolio also include acting as moderator and the management of complex projects. The various stages in his political career have given Lorenz Bösch an in-depth understanding of the political processes and the player groups involved.

After gaining his B.Sc in Agricultural Engineering, Lorenz Bösch held various senior positions and worked as Project Manager for agricultural organisations (Farmers’ Federation Canton of Schwyz, Farmers’ Federation of Central Switzerland, Swiss National Farmers’ Federation).

His comprehensive business experience is also based on various mandates on the Boards of Directors in different sectors and sizes of companies (media, retail, education). He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of BLS AG.

In October 2010, Lorenz Bösch returned to Hanser Consulting AG, having already worked as Project Leader at Hanser Consulting AG between 2000 and 2002. In the interim period he served as Cantonal Councillor for the Canton of Schwyz. During this period he was Chairman of the Building Department and President of the Conference of Cantonal Governments and member of the board of other government conferences (infrastructure, public transport, energy).

Partner and Member of the Board of Directors of Hanser Consulting AG

Peder Plaz has been working for Hanser Consulting AG since 2001 as a strategy consultant for companies with a focus on Swiss SMEs and public organizations. He supports in particular entrepreneurs and managers in analysis and financing of organizational, investment and innovation projects as well as in reorganization and restructuring situations. Plaz is also particularly concerned with the challenges facing tourism and mountain regions in Switzerland.

As a second focus, Plaz conducts basic research and advises associations and the public sector on issues of public policy and economic development. In the context of economic development, he generally supports the public sector in the formulation of strategies and in the implementation of corresponding projects.

Peder Plaz is also the managing director of the Graubünden Economic Forum; an economic policy-oriented think tank in the canton of Graubünden.

Before joining Hanser Consulting AG, he worked in various functions at Graubündner Kantonalbank, mainly in the areas of commercial lending and credit risk and product management. He acquired his theoretical foundation in Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Chur/Switzerland and earned a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge/USA.

Peder Plaz serves as member of the Board of Directors of Hanser Consulting AG and the health insurance company ÖKK in Landquart. He is also involved in the board of the largest nature park in Switzerland, Parc Ela.

Alexander Burkhard ist bei Hanser Consulting AG als Senior Consultant für die öffentlichen Verwaltungen in betriebswirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen tätig

Der Hauptfokus seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit lag in den letzten Jahren in der Begleitung von Energieversorgungsunternehmen für die Entwicklung von zukunftsorientierten Strategien in Bezug auf die grossen Veränderungen des Energiemarktes. Dabei entwickelte er zusammen mit Fachexperten eigene Tools für die Kostenrechnung und Preisbildung im Strommarkt. Alexander Burkhard entwickelte zudem für den Branchenverband umfangreiche und praxisorientierte Schulungen. Er gilt in der Energiebranche als einer der fundiertesten Kenner regulatorischer Prozesse und des Marktmodells Schweiz.

Sein Universitätsstudium der Betriebswirtschaft absolvierte Alexander Burkhard an der Université de Fribourg. Zwischen 2001 und 2005 war er bei der BKW Energie AG als Business Consultant in den strategischen Services des Vertriebs tätig. Danach wechselte er zu Galexis AG (Pharmagrosshandel), wo er bis 2008 für die Preisbildung verantwortlich war. Alexander Burkhard ist seit 2008 als Senior Consultant bei der Hanser Consulting AG tätig.

Im Rahmen unseres Schulungsangebotes vermittelt Alexander Burkhard in seinen praxisorientierten Schulungen anschaulich die Veränderungen des Energiemarktes.

Rainer Grundler has been a project leader at Hanser Consulting AG since 2002

He has more than fifteen years experience in advising small and medium-sized enterprises, with the focus on corporate financing, Mergers & Acquisitions as well as restructuring and reorganisation. His core areas of expertise lie in the management of complex restructuring projects in industry and the construction sector. He is also a financing specialist, particularly for special financing situations such as start-ups, expansion financing or in the event of reorganisation.

Rainer Grundler has in-depth knowledge of corporate valuations and company succession arrangements, as well as in the handling of M&A projects. He performs Board of Director and coaching mandates in various companies.

Rainer Grundler acquired his practical expertise, amongst others, as Head of the SME and Sector Specialist Department at CREDIT SUISSE. Prior to this, he was Head of the Training Centre of the Swiss Association of Master Plumbers and Fitters (SSIV) where, in addition to running the training and hotel business, he also taught on the business management courses. As Head of the Business Management Department, he offered the members of the SSIV advice on business management, designed business comparisons as well as theme-based publications and acted as moderator for knowledge sharing between discussion groups.

Since 1 April 2017, as Senior Consultant, Rainer Grundler has been providing support to Eichenberger Beratung & Unterstützung AG - a subsidiary of Hanser Consulting AG - on business management issues of energy supply companies.

Michael Isenring ist seit September 2024 wieder als Projektleiter für Hanser Consulting tätig.

Zwischen 2009 und 2019 agierte Michael Isenring bereits als Berater und später Projektleiter bei der Hanser Consulting AG. Seine Schwerpunkte waren die Strategie- und Organisationsentwicklung einerseits und Standortentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung andererseits für diverse Kunden der öffentlichen Hand. 
Der erste Schwerpunkt umfasste unter anderem die Strategieentwicklung und Erarbeitung von Businessplänen, die Entwicklung von betriebswirtschaftlichen Optimierungen und das Projektmanagement von Betriebsauslagerungen im öffentlichen Sektor. In den Gebieten der Standortentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung erarbeitete er regionale und kantonale Standortentwicklungsstrategien sowie sozioökonomische Standortanalysen. Dabei war er unter anderem bei mehreren Projekten des Wirtschaftsforums Graubünden, einer wirtschaftspolitisch ausgerichteten Denkfabrik im Kanton Graubünden, beteiligt.
Seit September 2024 nimmt Michael Isenring nun wieder seine Tätigkeit bei Hanser Consulting in diesen Themenfeldern auf. Beim Schwerpunkt Strategie- und Organisationsentwicklung wird er nun zusätzlich die während der vergangenen fünf Jahre gesammelte Erfahrung aus seiner beruflichen Tätigkeit in China miteinbringen.
Zwischen 2019 und 2024 unterstützte er als Director of Educational Operations die Unternehmensentwicklung des Privatschulnetzwerks BASIS INTERNATIONAL & BILINGUAL SCHOOLS · China auf strategischer sowie operativer Ebene. Das sich über diese gesamte Periode in raschem Wachstum befindende Netzwerk in China umfasste im Jahr 2024 sieben Internationale und drei Bilinguale Schulen, für Lernende von der Vorstufe bis zur Oberstufe. Als Teil der BASIS Curriculum Schools lehren die Schulen den in den USA entwickelten, akademisch fordernden und auf die amerikanischen Advanced Placement (AP) Prüfungen ausgerichtete BASIS Curriculum. Das Ziel für die Schulabgänger ist die Aufnahme an einer Eliteuniversität in den USA, Grossbritannien, Kanada und Hongkong. Als Mitglied der Zentralstelle war Michael Isenring direkt dem Chief Executive Head of Schools (CEHOS) unterstellt, der für die Entwicklung und übergeordnete Führung der bildungsbezogenen Aktivitäten in allen Schulen des Netzwerks zuständig war. Das Team der Zentralstelle unterstützte den CEHOS und die Schulen bei der laufenden Optimierung ihrer Leistungserbringung und Ressourcenallokation. 
2009 hat Michael Isenring sein Studium an der Universität Zürich mit dem Master of Science in Geographie, mit Schwerpunkt Human- und Wirtschaftsgeographie abgeschlossen. Seine berufliche Erfahrung im Gebiet der Finanzplanung hat er zwischen 2013 und 2014 mit dem Abschluss des Certificate of Advanced Studies in Corporate Finance von derselben Universität weiter vertieft.

Simon Jufer ist seit 2023 als Senior Consultant bei der Hanser Consulting AG tätig

Seine thematischen Schwerpunkte liegen im Bereich Strom- und Gasmarktregulierung, Energiebeschaffung, Kostenrechnung und Gestaltung von Werteflüssen sowie Finanzplanung und -controlling.

Vor seiner Tätigkeit für die Hanser Consulting AG leitete Simon Jufer das Regulierungs- und Handelscontrolling bei Energie Wasser Bern (ewb). In dieser Funktion war er verantwortlich für die jährlichen Tarifierungsprozesse und die regulatorischen Kostenrechnungen für Strom, Gas und Fernwärme sowie für die Überwachung der Risiken des Energiehandels. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörte unter anderem der Aufbau eines Tarifsystems und des Tarifierungsprozesses für die Fernwärme. Während seiner Arbeit im Regulierungscontrolling sammelte Simon Jufer auch Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Regulierungsbehörden, namentlich mit der Eidgenössischen Elektrizitätskommission (ElCom) und mit der Preisüberwachung. Als Mitglied von Branchenarbeitsgruppen wirkte er an der Gestaltung der Branchenempfehlungen zur Gasmarktöffnung mit.

Zuvor sammelte Simon Jufer als Controller/Direktionsassistent bei der Regio Energie Solothurn erste Erfahrungen in der Energiewirtschaft. Zu Beginn der Strommarktöffnung war er massgeblich beteiligt am Aufbau der regulatorischen Kostenrechnung sowie am Neuaufbau des Rechnungswesens und der Planungs- und Reporting-Instrumente für das Querverbundunternehmen. Sein breites Aufgabengebiet umfasste zudem die Durchführung von Wirtschaftlichkeitsbewertungen, unter anderem für den Aufbau einer Fernwärmeversorgung, das Projektmanagement und -controlling sowie die Koordination und Unterstützung des Strategieprozesses.

Jürg Kuster is a Project Leader and has been working for Hanser Consulting AG since 1987

During his many years acquiring experience as a consultant, Jürg Kuster gained a deep insight into the subjects of business, energy, the environment, transport, regional planning, education and finance. In this context, he provides support for public corporations and the public sector in the development of strategies on a dialogue-driven basis, as well as in monitoring and controlling for the implementation of programmes and measures.

His core areas of expertise include support for and producing comprehensive evaluations of the execution and impact of programmes and projects of political bodies, as well as specific topics with a national or regional economic background.

Before joining Hanser Consulting , Jürg Kuster worked as an assistant in the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich and as a secondary school teacher in Zurich.

From 1997 to 2013 Jürg Kuster was also a lecturer on regional economic and regional policy matters at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science at the University of Zurich.

Christian Schlatter has been with Hanser Consulting AG since 2022. He advises public administrations, institutions and companies on technical, economic and managerial issues and also works on projects in the fields of tourism and transport infrastructure. Moreover, he deals with questions of location promotion and works for the Graubünden Economic Forum.

Christian Schlatter completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree in civil engineering with a focus on transport systems as well as hydraulic engineering and management at the ETH Zurich. During his last professional position, he completed a second master's degree in business administration with a focus on NPO management, accounting & control and marketing at the University of Fribourg over a period of four years.

Before joining Hanser Consulting, Christian Schlatter was Managing Director of the KPZ Fahrbahn, a small enterprise providing technical advice on the subject of train tracks. Prior to that he had several years of professional experience in the infrastructure division of the Swiss Southeast Railway. In both positions, he dealt intensively with questions of organizational development, strategic, technical and operational asset management and planning approvals.

Due to this wide work experience, Christian Schlatter has a wide network among railway companies, in politics and governmental bodies in Switzerland. In addition, he has been a member of the Zürcher Oberland Steam Railway Association for many years and is active there as a federally recognized fireman, Head of Marketing and part of the association's board.

Valeria D'Amico is a consultant and junior business analyst and has been with Hanser Consulting AG since 2019

Valeria D'Amico advises public administrations, institutions and companies on economic policy and business management issues. She also advises energy supply companies.

Before joining Hanser Consulting AG, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FHZ), specialising in tourism and mobility. Valeria D'Amico gained professional experience at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs in Bern, where she worked as an IC consultat during ther part-time studies. During this time, she was able to gain practical knowledge in advising and supporting clients in technical and professional matters relating to specialist applications of unemployment insurance. Another focus was the development and continuous optimization of the IT service desk. Valeria D'Amico has obtained the certificates Hermes 5 Foundation and ITIL Foundation.

Seit Herbst 2022 ist Kilian Peter bei der Hanser Consulting AG tätig und arbeitet hauptsächlich in der Beratung der Standort- und Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Bülach. Seine Arbeit konzentriert sich mehrheitlich auf die Bearbeitung von Entwicklungsfragen, Raumplanung und allgemeinen volkswirtschaftlichen Aspekten.

Kilian Peter durchlief zunächst eine kaufmännische Ausbildung im Bereich Bau- und Immobilienleistungen bei der Halter AG und absolvierte anschliessend die kaufmännische Berufsmaturität. Nachdem er anderthalb Jahre Architektur an der ZHAW in Winterthur studiert hatte, änderte er seine beruflichen Pläne in Richtung Finance & Banking und absolviert derzeit ein berufsbegleitendes Studium an der Fachhochschule in Luzern (HSLU). Vor seinem Einstieg bei der Hanser Consulting AG konnte er parallel zum Studium weitere Berufserfahrung bei der H&B Real Estate AG im Bereich der Bewirtschaftung sammeln.

Etienne Trachsel works at Hanser Consulting AG since 2022

First as an intern and now as a consultant Etienne Trachsel works for local and regional energy supply companies (EVU). The main focus of is activity lies on assisting EVU in the regulatory process. Additionally he helps to develop excel based tools and helps to evaluate mass data.

After having graduated at the Wirtschaftsgymnasium Basel Etienne Trachsel studied Business and Economics at the University of Basel. During that time he worked as an administrativ assistant at the architectural firm Oktant Plus AG.

Tiziano Weilenmann has been working for Hanser Consulting AG since 2022

He works as a Junior Consultant for tourism and spatial planning, focusing mainly on macroeconomic questions about the canton of Graubünden and its regions. He assists projects about tourism development, population trends, and spatial development.

Before working for Hanser Consulting AG Tiziano has attended the bilingual economics and law gymnasium at Kantonsschule Enge. After that, he graduated from the École hôtelière de Lausanne with a Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management. During his studies, he had the opportunity to work on various group projects concerning micro- and macroeconomics, hotel asset management, finances, statistics and corporate management. Especially noteworthy is a 10-week consulting project in the scope of his bachelor thesis for the European Energy Exchange Group on the topic of corporate values and communication strategy.

Tiziano Weilenmann gathered professional experience in the hospitality industry before joining Hanser Consulting AG. Through various jobs in different departments, he managed to gather in-depth insights into the areas of hotel management and tourism. Alongside his academic interests, he is interested in various sporting activities, such as football, tennis, diving and kitesurfing. Furthermore, he likes to brew his own beer with friends during weekends.

In business for more than 30 years

Hanser Consulting AG is an independent Swiss company.


  • 1984: Founding of Brugger, Hanser und Partner AG by Prof. Dr. Ernst A. Brugger and Dr. Christian Hanser
  • 2000: BHP – Brugger, Hanser und Partner AG split off into two operating companies. BHP – Brugger und Partner AG and BHP – Hanser und Partner AG
  • 2013: Takeover of BHP – Hanser und Partner AG by the current partners Lorenz Bösch, René Goetz, Peder Plaz
  • 2017: Takeover of Eichenberger Beratung und Unterstützung AG, a service provider specialising in energy suppliers
  • 2017: Opening of branch office in Chur, Graubünden
  • 2018: Change of name from BHP – Hanser und Partner AG to Hanser Consulting AG
  • 2019: Integration of Eichenberger Consulting and Support AG into Hanser Consulting AG while retaining the Thun branch office
  • 2023: Relocation of the Thun branch to Bern

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Hanser Consulting AG
Lagerstrasse 33
CH-8021 Zürich
Phone +41 44 299 95 11

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